New speed law as of 7-1-04
(too old to reply)
Albee Kuminova
21 years ago
Why don't cops crack down on cocaine instead? But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Not enough MONEY!!!!!! So instead they now enforce a 20 MPH speed limit
in all school zones 24 hours a day and 7 days a week as of July 1st!
Doing 27 on a residential street with a 25 mph limit at 3:00AM and enter
a school zone and Del Doe, your friendly, neighborhood, doughnut
munching, ticket writing, revenue enhancer takes $123 out of your
pocket. And, don't fines double in school zones? But what if you are
doing 31 in a 25 and hit a school zone at 1:00 AM? $201.00 is the
fine.............but if fines double in school zones...................

Now, how much revenue do they get patrolling for burglars? NONE!!! So
why not hang out in a school zone and kick back with a Krispy Kreme and
wait to catch the guy doing 27 in a 25 which was 20 when kids were
present. NOW it's a 20 24/7. Will the guy behind you get pissed off at
you? ROAD RAGE!!!!!

So when you see a cop or legislator who voted for the law be sure to
wave at him. Just be sure to use all 5 fingers!!!
21 years ago
Even when kids are on Summer break and holidays? Hell, in the event to save
children, why not make all non-Interstate roads 20 mph or less.
I'm Sinistersteve, and I approve this message.
21 years ago
Is this law statewide, countywide, or does it only afflict Portland?
Albee Kuminova
21 years ago
21 years ago
Post by sinistersteve
Even when kids are on Summer break and holidays? Hell, in the event to save
children, why not make all non-Interstate roads 20 mph or less.
well, they already have the stupid law where you have to wait for people in
the crosswalk to be completely across the street before you can go. Of
course, in my neighborhood, in Beaverton, people jaywalk cross Hall Blvd (4
lanes that are 40mph) all the time. With strollers & kids in tow most of the
time. Usually 50 feet from a crosswalk. I even saw a lady jaywalk with a
baby stroller in front a Beav. cop on Hall Blvd, he had to stop for her,
with traffic behind him, and he didnt cite her.
Lobby Dosser
21 years ago
Near the Albertson's by the traffic light? I see them at it all the time
there. They're also dragging the kids all over Greenway, which is a 35MPH
going on 50.
21 years ago
No, this over by Cedar Hills Blvd. They jaywalk that street all the time
Lobby Dosser
21 years ago
"Jon" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in news:TvkFc.1791$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net:

Post by Jon
Post by Lobby Dosser
Near the Albertson's by the traffic light? I see them at it all the
time there. They're also dragging the kids all over Greenway, which
is a 35MPH going on 50.
No, this over by Cedar Hills Blvd. They jaywalk that street all the
time too...
IIRC, there's a traffic light about every two blocks between Canyon and
Cedar Hills. Guess it's Darwin at work.

On Cedar Hills it's got to be Turbo-Darwin. I try not to *drive on Cedar
Hills, if I can avoid it.
Jordan Lund
21 years ago
Post by Lobby Dosser
On Cedar Hills it's got to be Turbo-Darwin. I try not to *drive on Cedar
Hills, if I can avoid it.
It helps that they closed it to one lane at lunch today. You read that
right. Not "one lane in each direction" it was ONE LANE... Thank god I
was walking or I would have been Mr. Road Rage...

- Jordan
Lobby Dosser
21 years ago
Post by Jordan Lund
Post by Lobby Dosser
On Cedar Hills it's got to be Turbo-Darwin. I try not to *drive on
Cedar Hills, if I can avoid it.
It helps that they closed it to one lane at lunch today. You read that
right. Not "one lane in each direction" it was ONE LANE... Thank god I
was walking or I would have been Mr. Road Rage...
- Jordan
Mmmm, Mmmm! Serious Friction!

21 years ago
New speed limits due July 1 in school zones
Signs will alert motorists to the reduced speeds around schools and at
crossing zones away from schools
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Drivers beware: New speed limits go into place July 1 around school zones
and school crossing zones away from school property.

School zones near schools on roads with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or
less will be 20 mph zones at all times, according to the new law. Officials
said they plan to post the new speed limits by the start of school.

Speeding violations may lead to double fines in school zones where the limit
is posted with flashing lights.

In school zones on roads where the posted speed is 35 mph or higher, the 20
mph speed limit will be imposed during specific times. Signs or flashing
lights will alert motorists when the lower speed limit is in affect.

Reduced speed limits near crosswalks that are not located near schools will
be announced with signs or flashing lights.

"Drivers will need to be careful to read the signs," said Doug Bish, traffic
services engineer for the Oregon Department of Transportation. -- Noelle
I'm Sinistersteve, and I approve this message.
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