2004-01-30 19:24:02 UTC
The Salem Keizer Budget Advisory Team (BAT)- has submitted their recommendations to the school board.
Their proposal includes a recommendation for $30.00 a month student parking fees for high school students who avail
themselves of this privilege.
This would place that option out of my families price range. City bus service is not available where we live- so that
too would not be an option. The school bus is only available to and from the start and finish of the school day- it
does not include after school activities- such as the study halls, clubs, music and sports events my students
participate in.
Obviously I think the recommendation is out of line- but I would like to hear feedback from others.
Salem Mom
Their proposal includes a recommendation for $30.00 a month student parking fees for high school students who avail
themselves of this privilege.
This would place that option out of my families price range. City bus service is not available where we live- so that
too would not be an option. The school bus is only available to and from the start and finish of the school day- it
does not include after school activities- such as the study halls, clubs, music and sports events my students
participate in.
Obviously I think the recommendation is out of line- but I would like to hear feedback from others.
Salem Mom