Post by osoteThere must be some agency who's job it is to keep track of barometric
pressure and humidity and temperature and anything else that could have
affected your photojournalism efforts...
Yeah. I could get that information pretty easily but the problem is, we
were less than 50 yards from the river which alters the humidity,
temperature and even the wind quite a bit. Just gonna have to go back and
take a bunch more pictures except, of course, I've taken hundreds there and
never seen anything like it before. Fortunately, digital photos are cheap!
Post by osoteWell, what did you feel that night?
Nothing out of the ordinary given that it was a park in North Portland at
right around midnight. It's always a little spooky, which is half the fun.
'Course, part of the reason it's spooky is 'cause you never know if the
rustling in the bushes is a nutria, geese or a person. It's usually very
quiet, however.
Post by osoteAnd what the hell were you doing in Cathedral Park at night if you weren't
looking for ghosts?
We keep odd hours. (Near Dark movie quote.) It's a beautiful park at night
with the rolling grass, the curving walkways and the amber circles of
streetlamps lighting them. The big ol' Gothic foot of the St. John's Bridge
looks like something out of Batman and the river is right there too. Every
once in awhile a train rolls right through the center of the park, severing
it from the rest of the world, and of course, the whole experienced is
colored by legend that it's haunted which gives it that extra little edge.
It's a pretty park in the daytime, too, but not nearly so still and quiet.
The boat ramp is free, but usually busy.
Post by osotePost by gattI'm neutral on the issues of ghosts/paranormal. I'm inclined to
disbelieve but perfectly credible members (multiple) in my family have
Post by osotethings they have seen together in the past that require an open mind.
Now I'm really intrigued. You have a great family it seems from the
interesting things you post.
Or an interesting family at least. :> That goes back to Texas during the
depression when all nine kids chose to sleep in one bedroom because the
second bedroom had all kinds of weird lights bouncing around on the wall.
The parents (my great grandparents) would have none of it until they saw for
themselves and then they changed their position on the matter. Most of 'em
are dead now but during visits or at family reunions you could ask any of
them about it and they'd describe it for you again. Was a fun story when I
was a kid. That's the only example I know of where multiple people (all of
them) saw the same thing at the same and/or different times.
Post by osoteYou always seemed like a rational, reasonable person when I
worked with you and where we worked if you were nuts it would have shown up
right away due to the extreme duress of the shitty job and tyrannical,
greedy, stingy, elitist employer we once shared.
Thanks for the compliment. They haven't changed at all. No, the two
photos are exactly as they were taken by me with no preparation or staging
at all (you can tell by the sheer composition that we weren't setting
anything up. At that point, the lamp glare on the viewfinder was such that
I couldn't see through it to compose the shot, so I just took some shots at
random to get an idea of the range and centering.
Post by osotePost by gattTell me what you think of these... (e-mail to follow)
I think I am NEVER going to Cathedral Park at night, certainly not alone.
I wouldn't recommend that anyhow, but the photos certainly creep people out.
I was thinking about laminating copies and sticking 'em up in the park
restroom by the boat dock.
Post by osotePlease tell me that park is in the county and not in the city where 911
would send the Po Po?
Actually there's a PPD office right at the top of the hill. I suppose you
can get drugs there, or just shot in the face if you want. Whichever.